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How to perform Wuzu

The process of performing Wuzu is as follows:
Mention the name of Allah by saying “Bismilla-Hir-Rahma-Nir-Rah’im” (in the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful).

Wash both hands up to the wrists together three times, ensuring that every part including between the fingers is wetted by water as shown in Figures 1, (a) and (b).

Fig 1a …………….Fig1b…………….Fig2…………..

Taking a handful of water into the mouth, rinse the mouth three times as shown in Fig 2.

Take water in right palm and use the left hand to wash both nostrils three times, taking fresh water each time- (as shown in Figures 3 and 4).

Fig 3…………………Fig4……………..
Wash the face, ear to ear, forehead to chin, three times as shown in figures 5, 6 and 7.

Fig 5 ………………Fig 6 ……………..Fig 7……………
Wash the right arm thoroughly from the wrist to the elbow three times. Repeat the same with the left hand – as shown in figures 8 and 9.

Fig 8 …………………Fig 9 ……………..
Run moistened hands over the head from forehead to the back and back to forehead (once) – as in figures 10 and 11.

Fig 10 …………….Fig11…………….

Run moistened fingers through the ears, the first finger of each hand going across the inside of the corresponding ear, while the thumb runs across the outside (once) – as shown on the left.

Run the back of your hands ( Four Fingers) over your neck – as shown on the left.
Then, with your left hand wipe your right arm (From elbow toward the Hand). Repeat this method on the left arm, using the right hand.

Wash both feet up to the ankles starting from the right and ensuring that all parts particularly between the toes are wetted – as shown on the left. 

The process ends with the recitation of the Kalma-Shahadat.


Important information about Wuzu

There are 4 Farz and 18 Sunnah in performing Wuzu.

The 4 Farz are :

• To wash both hands and arms up to and including the elbows.
• To wash the whole face (From forehead to chin and from ear to ear).
• Performing the Massah (Running wet hands over the head).
• Washing both feet up to and including the ankles.
Please note :  Before you can start on the farz  it is important that the istinja (Cleaning of private parts) is done if required. If any one of these farz is missed the Wuzu will not be valid.

Some of the things that break Wuzu are :

• To pass wind , excrete or pass urine.
• For anything to come out of the urinal or anal passage.
• For blood or puss to come out and flow from a part of the body.
• To vomit (a mouthful), food, water, or mucus.
• To sleep in such a way that the joints of the body become loose.
• To fall unconscious, to faint or become mentally disabled.